Although COVID-19 causes sadness, uncertainty and panic throughout the community, this has shown us that we can control reaction and time. All architects and designers offered an opportunity to showcase their talent. If creativity is at the forefront, you will be more prepared and have designed a better future in the period after the Coronavirus Pandemic.
In recent years, architects, manufacturers, innovators and educators have been developing new ways to digitally change architectural designs, ideas and experiences. During this tedious process, architects began using digital technology in remote work programs to continue their work.
Effects of coronavirus on hospital architecture

As architects and most importantly as a citizen of the world, it is our greatest responsibility to assess and address the ever-increasing need for hospital infrastructure as a better preparation for future outbreaks and as a longer-term solution in the near future.
Building new hospitals, especially for buildings that don’t need much, can increase costs. As an example, the architects can take the technique used by Qatar in the 450,000 M2 Ras Abu Aboud football stadium project. The stadium was built using shipping containers and modular building blocks that could be relocated after Qatar hosts the FIFA World Cup in 2022.
The importance of quickly building sanitary medical spaces that can be easily adapted to the needs of the public with architectural modelling appropriate to COVID-19 has become more important, especially in recent months. Adopting modular construction for both additional hospital buildings and new hospitals in exceptional circumstances will enable better preparation for future national and international health crises.
Our mission is not only to build physical buildings, but also to improve the experience of healthcare professionals and patients. We do this by producing technological integrations in design so that people in quarantine, isolation or intensive care can maintain regular virtual contact with their loved ones.
Perhaps we can ensure the sustainability of these buildings, which consume a lot of high energy, by utilizing the kinetic energy of the cars in the field to transform them into certain facilities. Regardless of what future hospitals are, they will not be completed with a single health project. This innovative architecture will be prepared with the support of every architect.
Maze park designed to keep social distance
One of the projects in architectural modelling and landscaping is Studio Precht, an Austrian-based architectural, interior and landscape design company. This design company planned a new park for people living in cities to enjoy the green space. Parks in large cities were closed at a time when people needed fresh air and rest. For this reason, Studio Precht developed the Parc de la distance, a landscape design that allows visitors not to walk this area separately and keeps social distance among the public.
This maze-like design was inspired by people’s fingerprints. Visitors walk in and out of the individual lanes at this location, which has a restricted walking area, passing by the footpath. The roads are lined with Red Granite gravels, leaving an average gap of 8 metres between visitors. Each lane is about 2,000 feet long and bordered by a fence that averages 3 feet wide.
Eco-friendly designs are developing
While there is a recession worldwide, we see positive effects on environmental factors. Designers think this could be a permanent paradigm shift for the industry. Atelier Ace brand president Kelly Sawdon said, “Prior to the pandemic, we already had efforts to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. We were better motivated to make environmentally friendly design choices as we designed safer areas for guests and staff.”
Parts and Labor Kennedy estimates that people living in big cities are more yearning for nature, sunlight and fresh air. He states that hospitality areas should turn outwards rather than interior presentation.
More flexible working areas will be prepared
According to interior designer Sevil Peach, due to this situation caused by the coronavirus, most people started working at home and in collaborative areas. Estimating that the corporate plazas will turn into smaller buildings and the popularity of large offices is now decreasing, Sevil Peach thinks that smaller offices will be preferred as the central office.
Crowded offices, where it is difficult to keep social distance, can hamper virus recovery efforts as countries begin to return to normal. Peach, co-founder of London architecture and interior studio Sevil Peach, said: “Probably the interior of the offices will be much smaller.”
The freelance system may not be suitable for everyone. For people who cannot work freelance; large, flexible and non-crowded common areas can be designed.
Architects and designers continue to conduct and Share studies according to existing social distance rules if the coronavirus pandemic continues to have a long-term impact.
In a report published last week; Dubai interior studio Roar stated that restaurants will give up menu, buffet and cash payments and focus on takeaway and thus maintain social distance.
Speed has become a very important factor in the architectural modeling industry. Architects work hard and develop fast. Some architects have learned to rediscover many things and use their time more efficiently while working freelancers. This process reminded me of an old saying: “a good architecture looks like a good wine and gets better over time.” Perhaps these difficult moments we experience will be useful for the development of future architecture. Even if the next few months are full of uncertainty, it gives us a chance to reassess and redesign our work plan.
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